DAP Lab: Developmentally Appropriate Practice
The National Association for the Education of Young Children published the 4th edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age Eight (Position Statement, 2020; Book, 2022).
Please take our Survey: "What EC Educators Know About DAP" https://tamuc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5mzvtbWOqXRtc1w
Dr. Zlata Stanković-Ramirez Assistant Professor Human Development & Family Studies Texas Woman's University ===== Dr. Josh Thompson Professor Early Childhood Education Texas A&M University-Commerce http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson 214-663-6102 |
Dr. Zlata Stanković-Ramirez and Dr. Josh Thompson December 2021, Dallas, Texas |
Poster of Lit Review Professional Learning Institute PLI at NAEYC New Orleans, Sunday, June 2, 2024, 5.30pm Exhibit Hall
Presentation at Professional Learning Institute PLI at NAEYC New Orleans, Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 2pm, Grand Salon, Sections 15/18
Presentation at Texas AEYC Annual Conference in Round Rock, Texas on November 2, 2023
An Overview of DAP Resources by Camille Catlett YouTube
Appendix C: Changes from DAP 3rd to DAP 4th .PDF
List of Faculty Resources .PDF
Background Info for Advocates and Educators Supporting DAP (Updated May 8, 2023) .PDF
Casebook: DAP = Case studies provide real-world examples of DAP in practice. https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/books/dap-casebook
Vignettes drawn from APPENDIX A: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Action - Educator Snapshots and Reflections .PDF
A.5 Studying Birds in the Spring, by Amy Blessing, pp. 282-3
A.7 "A Monster, I'm Not Afraid of Anything at All!", by Ron Grady, pp. 288-9
A.8 The Name, by Ron Grady, p. 289
Presentation for PEEQ Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension on MS Teams on 10/24/2023
Principles of Development (DAP & Developmental Cascades) .PPTX
Our story, how we got here - -- --- http://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/co-lab
1. For a number of years, Zlata and Josh have co-facilitated presentations in our EC classes about DAP.
2. In 2021, Zlata and Josh attended a series of presentations by NAEYC introducing the new Developmentally Appropriate Practice (2020), www.naeyc.org/dap. Our article "What early childhood teachers know about DAP" published in Kappan Oct 2021 PDF came out of this intensive study. We used this article in a number of presentations, TAEYC, NAEYC, NAECTE, and DMTEP PPTX PDF.
3. One line in the new DAP, on page 10 caught a lot of attention from our readers and our presentation participants: "For all of these reasons, the notion of “stages” of development has limited utility; a more helpful concept may be to think of waves of development that allow for considerable overlap without rigid boundaries." They cited Siegler, R.S. 1996. Emerging Minds: The Process of Change in Children’s Thinking. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. When we shared this presentation, people latched on to this idea of "waves of development".
4. In a meeting with Dr. Margaret Owen, UT Dallas, in Summer 2023, she mentioned her work as a reviewer of a new book by Catherine Tamis-LeMonda (NYU) and Jeffrey J. Lockman (Tulane) (2023). Developmental Cascades. Academic Press. 9780443132407, EISBN.
5. The Developmental Cascades book mentioned Oakes & Rakison. (2020). Developmental cascades : building the infant mind. Oxford University Press. 9780197513798, EISBN Attached is chapter 5: New Framework to Understand Change. READ THIS FIRST.
6. In collaboration with an international network of academic scholars/practitioners, we have now formed Co-Lab to study implementing Developmental Cascades in early childhood teacher education.
DAP: What early childhood teachers need to know about the changes in the 4th edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs
These presentations are based on our article published in Kappan Oct 2021 PDF
NAEYC PLI Cleveland Tuesday June 14, 2022 .PPTX .PPTX
Texas AEYC Annual Conference San Antonio Friday September 16, 2022
South Carolina AEYC Virtual Conference Saturday October 15, 2022
NAEYC Annual Conference Washington, DC Friday, November 18, 2023 @ 3pm-4.30pm
Listen to this 16:20 recording of our presentation
Please take our survey: https://tamuc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5mzvtbWOqXRtc1w
In this session, participants explore changes in the four versions of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP). Presenters will share findings from a survey of preservice teachers' baseline knowledge of DAP from their published work on the topic. In conclusion, presenters will provide suggestions and recommendations for teaching the newly revised DAP to teacher educators and practitioners.
Stanković-Ramirez, Z. & Thompson, J. (2018). Rethinking developmental domains to improve classroom observations. Texas Child Care Quarterly, 42(2), 20-27. Available online asdfasdf https://faculty.tamuc.edu/jthompson/documents/Stankovic-RamirezThompson2018PLACES.pdf
Stanković-Ramirez, Z., & Thompson, J. (2022, Spring).1 A new view of Developmentally Appropriate Practice: What early childhood educators know about waves, individuals, and equity. TEPSA Leader: Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association 35(2), 1-7.
Thompson, J., & Stanković-Ramirez. (2021, October). What early childhood educators know about developmentally appropriate practice. Phi Delta Kappan, 103(2), pp. 20-23. kappanonline.org/what-early-childhood-educators-know-about-developmentally-appropriate-practice/. PDF