Profile photo of Dr. Josh Thompson (he/him)

Dr. Josh Thompson (he/him)

Professor Early Childhood Education

Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Office Location: EdSouth 204

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: 903-886-5537


Professional Vita


Montessori quotes on Observation

Oshaughnessy (2016) Observation Scientist

Observation Scientist PDF

Work Curves .PDF

Montessori Guide - videos on Observation

The Observation of the Children, for teachers

Epstein An Observer's Notebook

Epstein, Paul. (2012). An Observer's Notebook: Learning from Children with the Observation C.O.R.E. (2nd ed.). Bradenton, FL: Montessori Foundation.

Connect: What do I want to learn?

Obtain: How will I record?

Reflect: How will I understand what I have obtained?

Engage: What will I do with new understandings?

Excerpt .PDF

Clinical Case Study Method .PDF

Consent and Assent

We need to ask permissions to conduct research. In the classroom Teacher Action Research (TAR) is not a formal activity of science to produce new data and publish or present it elsewhere - for that level of research, you must have Informed Consent. For TAR, you do not need formal consent, but must always respect and honor participants through politely inviting participation, and always providing a way out, to exit or quit, with no penalty.

Here is an example of an Observation Letter .doc that may help you communicate what you are doing is not invasive but exploring your role as an observer.

When asking children, you must ask their ASSENT to participate. For example:


PoP Montessori Family Communication 1997 .PDF

PoP Montessori Records .PDF

Nilsen 2001 Week by Week .PDF


How many senses do you bring to observation. The Big Five are useful in observation of children at play,

A diagram of the five senses

but don't forget your own vestibular sense, proprioception, and interoception.


A presentation on the teacher's work of observation Makin a List.pptx

Jablon Power Of Observation .pdf

Three purposes 1. To know a child     2. To measure progress     3. To evaluate a program


Montessori Guide - videos on Observation

The Observation of the Children, for teachers

Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) (2011) Eight Stages of Development as a Master of Observation

Stage 1: Illusion of giving lessons and observe at the same time. Multi-task

Stage 2: Mobile Observation

Stage 3: Prison Guard

Stage 4: Crooked Finger

Stage 5: Stink Eye

Stage 6: Build My Ego

Stage 7: Pavlov's Dog

Stage 8: Observer as Observer


Four-part non-violent communication process




ECE 313 Observation Guidelines .doc

Observation Letter .doc for TAMU-Commerce students

Observation Letter DMTEP .doc for Dallas Montessori Teacher Ed Program students

Observation strategies

Tools for observation


     • Anecdotal records

     • Running records, with Mapping

     • Diary method


     • Checklists
     • Event Sampling
     • Time Sampling
     • Artifacts
     • Portfolios

Interviews -
     • At school - other children and teachers
     • At home - all family members, include dad, siblings, extended family

Visits outside of School


Simone Davies Montessori Notebook


Observation Informs Instruction .docx

Dr. Sharon Hundley's 1985 Montessori Observation Guidelines. DOCX


Sue Griebling, Univ of Cincinatti - videos on Running Records and Anecdotal Notes


Video Bank

With detailed descriptions of many observation tools and strategies



Lally Social Womb


Observation requires skill; many teachers report cultivating “eyes in the back of their heads.” This is microethnography, the “slice of life” approach to understanding human interaction. How do teachers cultivate their knack for knowing? What do they do with such information? This presentation will engage researchers in observation and analysis.

Resources for undergraduate, pre-service teachers observation assignments

“Makin’ a List, Checkin’ it Twice, Gonna Find Out Who’s ...ppt This powerpoint intro to ages and stages, domains of development, and principles of observation.

Here is the same powerpoint with audio overview:

Jablon Power Of Observation .pdf

Dealing with Implicit Bias

Gathering Language Data for Case Studies

Language Case Study .DOCX

Interpreting Observations

Interpreting Observational Data .doc

Microethnography: How Teachers Really Do Look at their Classrooms .doc

Microethnography .ppt

Montessori: On Observation for the Teacher .ppt

AMS 2011 A Window to the Heart: Observations That Change Teachers' Views of Children

A Window to the Heart AMS Chicago March 2011. ppt

AERA 2011 Opening Eyes in the Back of Our Heads: Changing Teachers' Views of Children Through Observation

AERA 2011 Opening Eyes .pdf

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